
postpage AboutUs - About

Welcome to Nion, a counselling and psychological health practice dedicated to eradicating the harmful effects of racism and discrimination.

Our team consists of several professional counsellors and an in-house legal advisor. Together, we provide counselling to victims of discrimination in several aspects of daily life. Our founder, John McGreevy is a qualified clinical psychologist with years of experience.

John established Nion when he noticed the increase of cases where people were discriminated against based on the colour of their skin. These cases were prevalent in schools, online, as well as in working environments.

John is joined by a formidable team of trained and qualified counsellors who are dedicated to the organization’s cause.

Eradication of Discrimination

We are dedicated to promoting equality and respect and ultimately eradicating all forms of discrimination.

Empowerment of Minorities

To achieve our goals, we aim to empower minority groups who are targeted and discriminated against.

Rehabilitation of Victims and Offenders

Our team works closely with victims and offenders to ensure the cycle of discrimination and racism is stopped in its tracks.

Racism and any form of discrimination should not be taken lightly. If you or someone you know suffer from the consequences of being discriminated against you need to seek the help of a professional.

Contact us to book your session today.